credits to http://quietcolor.com/qc/
weekly musings on communication related topics and theories.
This is 13 year old Megan Meier. Megan that commited suicide after getting depressed over a MySpace hoax. She got to know a 16 year old teen called Josh Evans over MySpace, and over the course of their chatting and correspondence, their relationship bloomed. However, things took a very different turn when Josh suddenly changed his attitude towards Megan.
On October 15, 2006, Josh sent Megan a message saying, 'I don't want to be friends with you anymore because you're not nice to your friends'.
That post triggered hate posts from many other MySpace users.
"All of Josh's friends and all of Megan's friends were calling Megan a whore, a fat ass. Calling her all kinds of god awful names," Megan's mother,Tina, told the ABC network in an interview last year.
Meier hanged herself on October 16, 2006 after receiving the cruel messages, including the last message sent from Josh which read: "The world would be a better place without you."
However, the tragedy took an even worse turn when it was revealed that this Josh Evans did not even exist. Lori Drew, a 48 year old mother was passing herself off as a 16 year old guy, just to monitor anything negative that Megan was saying about her daugther.
The childishness and insensitivity of her actions led to the tragic suicide of a young girl. Her actions and intentions were extremely cruel, even more so because she knew the Meier family personally, and Megan and her daughter were friends. How can anyone (especially an adult, a MOTHER, for that matter) stoop to such levels to bully and harm a young teenage girl? (FYI, the authorities were unable to charge Lori Drew for Megan's death as they could not find a law she had broken. Instead, all the woman got for her deliberate and evil actions were one count of conspiracy and three counts of accessing protected computers without authorisation to obtain information to inflict emotional distress. Each of the counts carries only a maximum possible penalty of five years in prison.)
This is why I feel interpersonal communication is only valid and real if it's truly a face to face interaction between 2 people. Your virtual 'friends' can make themselves out to whoever they want to be to you, but you'll never really know who's the real person hiding behind a computer screen.