The picture above is an example of scarification. As the word suggests, scarification is, well, the act of scarifying. It involved making a cut or incision onto the skin to make a permanent scar on your body, much akin to tattoos.
When i told some friends about this 'new' type of body modification technique i found out about ('new' because scarification has been around for a long time, hasn't it? Tribes have long used scarification as a rite of passage for adolescents to be considered real men, and the youths proudly display their scars as proof of their manhood), reations differed greatly. Some were morbidly fascinated with the idea, even seriously contemplating getting it done, while others grimaced in revulsion just looking at pictures of the scarification process.
Alright, the picture i showed above is quite tame, so maybe many people won't understand why anyone would feel queasy looking at pictures of scarification. Let me help you out.

Looks fun huh?
I was actually thinking the above sentence would be a rhetorical question, but then again, perceptions differ right? I would never want anyone slicing into my skin with a scapel, making deep, purposeful cuts that would definately hurt and bleed like hell, and afterwards scab and leave me with keloid scars. I'm sure a whole lot of people would agree with me, but i'm also sure some would be thinking otherwise. A search for scarification pictures online will give you hundreds, if not thousands of images, all of which come from different people, from different countries and backgrounds. (In case youre wondering, yes i found some photos of scarification done here in singapore as well, the cutting process pictures above, the one with pieces of skin being sliced off was taken from a body mod shop in singapore!)
To end this off, i'll leave you with the completed (and healed )product of my opening picture.

It really is quite pretty, don't you think?
omg looks so painful!!
it all boils down to perception. what we think is cool, pretty or attractive might not be too others, but we are all allowed to have our personal views and opinions. even if we dont agree or share the same viewpoint as someone else, we should respect their individuality! after all, you wouldnt want someone criticising and trying to force their own opinions on everything you do right?
All I can say is, she is damn lucky her scars keloided nicely if not all that pain will go to naught and it will be kuah-kuah-kuah for her.
But ok la, she got balls yo.
i can only say 1 thing in my honest opinion.. people who do this are mentally unsound.
why resort to physically mutilating your body in the name of art? are there no other ways to express yourself as an artiste if that is the reason for doing it? art. go learn to play an instrument or paint or learn pottery.
i think people who embrace body mods will see things from a different perspective. for them, its THEIR body, THEIR choice to do whatever they want to it, so why must they be concerned with what crtics have to say about scarification?
i think its crazy for people to want to inflict such pain and harm on themselves. Why can't they embrace the body that they have? i feel that people who want to disfigure their bodies in such a way really have nothing better to do.
i think its the same as piercing your ears or dying your hair, really. in a sense, people into scarification are trying to 'beautify' themselves, but perhaps at a more extreme level. thats why most people cannot comprehend why anyone would wanna do such a thing to themselves.
different views, opinions or perception of whats 'cool' or 'pretty' might be the main arguement here, but i really dont think that cutting yourself or doing extreme body mods can ever be considered something to be proud of. you are merely scarring yourself for life, just like tattoos. 20or 30 years down the road, would you really want to have those faded, blurry tattoos or weird indistingusiable scars left on your wrinkled body?
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