Friday, May 16, 2008

What's in a name?

Right. So the article I'll be discussing is one titled: Threat of violence over use of name 'Bombay' It was featured in a copy of The Straits Times dated Friday, May 16 2008.

The title pretty much says it all. Apparently in Mumbai, there's a big hoo haa regarding the use of the name Bombay, and it's all the doing of a certain Mr. Bal Thackeray; an 82 year old eccentric (although I feel this word is an understatement, a more appropriate choice of word would be in my opinion, psycho) regional politician. 13 years ago, he led the charge to change the name of India's financial capital from Bombay to Mumbai.

Not content with that, Mr. Thackeray is now demanding that the city drop the word 'Bombay' from prominent institutions where the name still lingers, such as the Bombay Stock Exchange, the Bombay High Court, the elite Bombay Scottish school and dozens of other shops and offices - or else.

Police are taking his threats seriously because Mr. Thackeray has been linked to mob violence in the past, and his followers have already taken to demonstrating for his cause, and vandalizing buildings with the word 'Bombay'.

However, Mr. Thackeray has his reasons for his objections to the use of the word 'Bombay'. He's leading this nationalist campaign as he calls the word 'colonially tainted'; being a Portuguese derivation of 'Beautiful Bay'. He feels that Mumbai, the local name of a Hindu goddess should be used instead.

Personally, I feel the whole situation is quite ridiculous. What's the big deal over the issue of a name? Since Bombay has already renamed Mumbai, I don't see the fuss over certain institutions in the city using the name Bombay. Hasn't Mr. Thackeray already got what he wanted? A whole city has already been renamed because of him! Even more so for established, long standing insitutions like the Bombay Stock Exchange and Bombay High Court. For them to change their names because of a party boss's opinion that the word is colonially tainted would cause confusion, hassle and unnessary work. Also, how can the police and government be relied on for safety and protection if the people are subjected to violence and threats just because they have chosen to use the name Bombay?

I feel that the police should be doing all that they can to quell the issue. If they let Mr. Thackeray bully the people into doing what he wants, then what's stopping any other Tom, Dick and Harry from demanding that people name their shops and citys something else?


Zelda said...

The signs of maturity shown in politics.

Oh well. The dog eat dog world really has its wonders to marvel at. Opps!

Anonymous said...

Haha i remember reading about this article in the papers! i was thinking to myself, what the hell?

its so stupid for people to get all political over something as silly as a name.

NIC said...

yes mature indeed! the old bugger is already like, in his 80s?!

Anonymous said...

honestly, some people have nothing better to do.

Anonymous said...

Erm, i don't know if patriotism is the right word for it, but this dude is really being overly patriotic about this. i really don't think anyone cares about the history behind the name!

Anonymous said...

Bombay, schmombay. What's in a name? I think that since the name Bombay has already been established and even reputable and famous institutions and buildings are already named after it, the name should't be changed. Afterall, it's not as if this 'colonially tainted' has brought the country much grief or problems, right?