Friday, June 27, 2008

Collectivist Cultures

This is the flag of Christiania.

(And no, it is not a design of a rectangle and three circles that i came up with on whim.)

The 'Freetown' Christiania is located just outside Copenhagen, Denmark. It is a community of roughly 850 residents, where artists, musicians, and even drug dealers seem to have free reign.

Yes, you read right, free reign. The reason for this interesting situation is that in 1971, abandoned military barracks were taken over by a bunch of hippies, and was declared open by Jacob Ludvigsen, a popular Danish newspaper publisher. With this Christiania was born, with their misson statement:

"The objective of Christiania is to create a self-governing society whereby each and every individual holds themselves responsible over the wellbeing of the entire community. Our society is to be economically self-sustaining and, as such, our aspiration is to be steadfast in our conviction that psychological and physical destitution can be averted."

The spirit of Christiania quickly developed into one of hippie culture, collectivism and anarchism. People living in this freetown are part of a unique independent society, having sucessfully thwarted government action and violent police raids for years.
Each inhabitant of Christiania has to pay a monthly rent of approximately 1,600 Danish crowns for electricity, heating, road maintenance, land tax, child-care center, kindergarten, leisure and other public costs. However, residents have also developed their own set of rules, independently of the Danish government. The rules forbid stealing, violence, guns, knives, bulletproof vests and hard drugs. (notice the rules forbid HARD drugs, not drugs in general. hmm.)
But yes, the most interesting point about Christiania is probably it's infamous Pusher Street, where drugs like Cannabis were sold openly from permanent stands on the street till 2004. This 'officially' open drug trade was clamped down on by the authorities, but quiet trading of cannabis and hard drugs is still rampant.
Personally, i think it's amazing that a town such as Christiania is able to survive today. This alternative and unorthodox lifestyle that the residents live by is really unlike anything i've read or heard about.
But maybe it's because of the alternative living culture that artists and creative people are attracted to Christiania in the first place. Check out some of the graffitti found around the town!

credits to


Anonymous said...

Hi - I took the pictures of graffiti you included in your article, and while I have no problem with you using them (as long as you include the link like you have), I must ask that you host the pictures yourself. As of now you are simply referring to the images hosted on our site, which means that whenever someone looks at your site you're stealing our bandwidth. Please download the pictures and host them somewhere like imageshack, etc.

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA this brings the term free country to a whole new level! while i cant say that i agree with this type of lifestyle, i guess its different strokes for different folks eh.

Anonymous said...

i think its a little victory for christiania to be free from full government reign and still have their space to live by their own rules and laws. although its not the norm (ok virtually unheard of) for any country in this day and age to be governed this way, it's kind of an achievement that it's managef to do so despite the odds!

Anonymous said...

collectivist cultures, especially extreme cases like Christiania are very hard to find in todays world. I was reading up on Christiania, and I realised that apparently they even have a rule that disallows private property! It's quite ironic that another name for Christiania is 'Freetown'.

Anonymous said...

personally i hope the danish government cracks down on Chirstiania soon and abolishes this way of living. it's like they're living under communist rule, and the whole free drug trade thing is quite appalling.

Anonymous said...

wah what a nice place to be in! i think it'll be a really relaxed place to live in as long as you know your limits and not resort to the legal extremes.. i guess it wouldnt be as hectic as what we're going through in our daily lives now and we'll have time to think of new ideas to make it big in life!

Anonymous said...

ya i agree that living in a 'hippie' or squatter like community like christiania is very reminicent of the whole 60's era. it seems like a very radical move for the danish goverment to allow the community to still exist on its own, especially with its open hash trade. however, i don't think living in such an environment would be beneficial to anyone. althought i must say the graffitti on the walls are really amazing! maybe marijuana gives you 'inspiration'..

Anonymous said...

i don't really understand how this community has managed to survive after all these years. however, if you think about it, democracy is a type of collectivist culture too!think about it. There's a great emphasis on the notions of social contract and the collective will of the people, how the majority wins and how we reach consensus by voting and other ways that benefits the largest group that holds similiar wants or beliefs.

bOn said...

wow nice graffiti. i hope my art is as creative as theirs!

Anonymous said...


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Step 3
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Step 4
If you get this message you need a CSS ripper. No problem, you can goole and download one for free . It will remove the protection on the fly. (it will just run in the tray and you can copy the DVD).
Step 5
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Step 6
Here you can do some nice stuff! Select the titles you want (1) and then by moving the bar (2) you can alter the level of compression they have, so that you can give more quality to the movie and not some extras you may have included. (3) This shows the general compression. If this is under 45% I suggest you use 2-disc method using the guide I told you about above. Anyway you finally click Next. (If you are only copying one Title click Next without playing with compressions).
Generally the program makes the best selections here so just click Next. (4)
Step 7
Finally our copy starts. Easy wasn't it? Well even if you found things above a little complicated you should not worry. After 2-3 copies you are going to learn everything!
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